Mother’s Day & Wine?

As I pondered about what to write for my next (so called) wine blog, I realized that Mother’s Day was just around the corner. I am often asked as to what wine to get for which celebration and came to the conclusion that there is no such thing as a “Mother’s Day Wine”. However, I felt compelled to pay tribute to Mothers everywhere and obliged to provide some wine related suggestion. So I did some research and found a few interesting tidbits related to this special day. Besides the usual wine baskets, top selling, easy drinking and well advertised wines, there wasn’t much new out there that I thought to be of interest. So here’s a little different approach to Mother’s Day and wine.
The best Mother’s Day wine is Mom’s favourite Wine
Did you know…In 1912 Anna Jarvis trademarked in the phrases Second Sunday in May and Mother’s Day and created the Mother’s Day International Association.
The most interesting part of the history is that Anna Jarvis was very particular as to where the apostrophe was placed so as to put the emphasis on the single possessive as a celebration of ones own Mother specifically, not so much as a celebration of motherhood in general.
Therefore, this Mother’s Day, I suggest we continue the tradition. When I am asked what is a good wine to get Mom or to serve at dinner I will simply respond with MOM’S FAVOURITE! Note the apostrophe is single possessive as in “Your Mom” (Anna Jarvis’ intention) not what anyone else’s Mom prefers. Sure, we can all read the latest wine reviews, or ask the liquor store clerk what they would suggest for Mom, but why not go right to the source and find out exactly what she wants. Therefore the best Mother’s Day wine is whatever Mom wants. If Mom isn’t sure as to what she wants then a good bottle of ‘bubbly’ will always do the trick.
Top 15 Wine Labels/Card for Mother’s Day
I wanted to say something thoughtful, insightful, profound and just downright nice about Mom and then put it on a wine label (or an Avery blank label), paste it to her favourite bottle of wine and give it to her on Sunday as a unique Mother’s Day card
My wife & daughter 20 years ago!
Then it occurred to me that I am by no means a ‘wordsmith’ and proceeded to read what other people (much smarter than me) had to say about their Mothers. Not to steal any one’s thoughts or ideas but after having read hundreds of absolutely truthful and beautiful dedications to Moms, I was compelled to share my personal choices with you as a Top 15 Wine Label/Card for Mother’s Day.
Feel free to pick one and put it on a label, either typed or hand written, and stick it on her favourite bottle. Since I am truly a believer that the taste buds remember the occasion more than the wine, I will wager that if the wine was not already her favourite it now will be. After the wine is consumed it can also be a nice keepsake as a reminder of your unique Mother’s Day card. Here we go!
( If I am sounding somewhat sentimental, then I am guilty as charged)
1. ‘ I love my Mother as the trees love water and sunshine – she helps me grow, prosper and reach great heights.’
Terri Guillemets’
2. ‘When you are a Mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A Mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child’
Sophia Loren
3. ‘Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.’
4. ‘A good mother is worth hundreds of schoolmasters’
George Herbert
5. ‘A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie’
Tenneva Jordan
6. ‘Only mothers can think of the future-because they gave birth to it in their children’
Maxim Gorky
7. ‘We never know the love of a parent until we become parents ourselves.’
Henry Ward Beecher
8. ‘All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.’
Abraham Lincoln
9. ‘Your arms were always open when I needed a hug. Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson.Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly.’
Sarah Malin
10. A mother’s love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even when the heart is breaking.’
Helen Rice
11. ‘ Most mothers are instinctive philosophers.’
Harriet Beecher Stowe
12. ‘ God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made Mothers.’
Rudyard Kipling
13. ‘My mom is a never ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune.’
Graycie Harmon
14. ‘A Mother understands what a child doesn’t say’
Author Unknown
15. ‘ Thanks Mom for helping me – become me.’
Craig Cats
Do you have any other poems, cards, or labels dedicated to mom’s? Please feel free to share by entering in a comment below. Happy Mother’s Day!