Tip of the Month! Really ‘Cool’ Ice Cubes!

Here is something fun and “Cool”
It may be wine blasphemy …but if I try to please the world I always lose. I think a conversation piece is worth the ire of my fellow wine makers.
This months tip is very simple. Put your favourite fruit in the ice tray. What I mean is when you are prepping ice cubes, put a blueberry, a raspberry, a piece of mint leave or even an orange or lemon rind and fill it with water and let it freeze… and voilà. When you put the ice cube into the drink of choice you have an aesthetically pleasing glass of ‘whatever’. The cubes look really cool and can be used in mixed drinks as well. Yes, it may mess with the wine once it melts, but life is way too short not to do something a little bit on the edge and fun. I sit well with the idea and the conversation that follows. In actuality, I use this tip more with mixed drinks or fruity whites and Rosés.
Cheers! Learn something new about wine every day!